Blueberry Bliss Smoothie

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Sipping on a smoothie can be a great way to start the day.

There’s something about a smoothie that feels special, exotic even. At least, it feels that way to me.


And I like to load my smoothies with green veggies for all their health-promoting goodness, and I love knowing that I’ve logged some of my daily recommended servings well before lunch time.

It makes the day feel kinda “pre-loaded”—and like I can handle anything that comes my way.

Why Drink Green Smoothies

A smoothie is an easy way to ensure we’re enjoying plenty plant-foods in our diets. Smoothies are quick and easy to prepare and are great for enjoying on the go or at home.


When I make “green” smoothies, they are very rarely purely green. I include plenty of nourishing deep leafy greens, but I also include berries or other fruits to make them more palatable. And when they’re loaded with colorful fruits and veggies, they’re rich in disease-fighting phytonutrients.

How to Improvise a Green Smoothie

A tried and tested smoothie recipe is handy, but it’s helpful to be able to improvise and create your own, too. If you’re new to making green smoothies, a 40:60 ratio of greens to fruit is a good starting place. You can gradually shift the ratio to favor the greens as your taste develops, if you want to.

Additional Tips

Want to make a smooth and creamy green smoothie, but don’t have a fancy-pants blender? No problem. Read my tips for making a green smoothie with a budget blender here.

Want to introduce green smoothies to your kids? Check out my 5 tips for getting your kids to enjoy green smoothies here.

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Blueberry Bliss Smoothie


  • 3 cups fresh spinach, packed

  • 1 banana, fresh or frozen

  • 2 cups frozen blueberries

  • 8 oz coconut (or other) milk

  • Water to desired thickness


Combine ingredients in blender and pulse until smooth. Add water as necessary to reach desired consistency.

Yields 4 servings

What are some of your favorite smoothie combos?